目的:探讨医院内部信息系统直接接口的管理,寻求一种简单高效的接口对接方式,用于管理系统的接口对接,以减少系统间耦合。方法:通过基于Web Service和XML技术实现通用的接口管理平台,采用.NET框架设计简单高效的接口调用方式,以降低医院各信息系统将的复杂接口关系。结论:此接口管理平台极大的降低了接口间的复杂关系,降低冗余,能够满足医院各系统间的相互调用要求。
OBJECTIVE: To explore the management of the direct interface of hospital internal information system and to find a simple and efficient interface docking method, which is used to interface the management system to reduce the coupling between systems. Methods: Through the common interface management platform based on Web Service and XML technology, the .NET Framework was used to design a simple and efficient interface calling method to reduce the complex interface relationship between various hospital information systems. Conclusion: This interface management platform greatly reduces the complex relationship between interfaces and reduces redundancy, and can meet the mutual invocation requirements among various hospital systems.