西洋参(Panax quinquefolium Linn.)为名贵药材,其主要有效成分为西洋参总皂甙。根中总皂甙含量测定方法已有报道,但茎叶含大量叶绿素等脂溶性杂质,糖类较少,因而该方法对茎叶不尽适用。以前虽有茎叶总皂甙含量测定结果的报道,但方法繁琐,易造成误差。近年来,我们用薄层层离-比色法测定了不同地区、不同参龄的茎、叶及大田收获的茎、叶混合样品总皂甙的含量,并与根中含量作了对比。该法具有简便、准确等优点。仪器与药品西洋参茎叶(采自陕西省留坝县、陇
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium Linn.) is a valuable medicinal material, and its main active ingredient is total saponin of American ginseng. The method of determining total saponin content in roots has been reported, but the stems and leaves contain large amounts of chlorophyll and other fat-soluble impurities, and there are less sugars, so this method is not suitable for stems and leaves. Although there were reports of the results of the determination of total saponin content in stems and leaves in the past, the methods were cumbersome and could easily cause errors. In recent years, we used thin layer detachment-colorimetry to determine the content of total saponins in the mixed stem and leaf samples of stems, leaves, and fields harvested in different regions and at different ages, and compared them with those in roots. The method is simple, accurate and so on. Instruments and pharmaceuticals American ginseng stems and leaves (taken from Liuba County, Shaanxi Province