
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hefner
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Objective.Abnormalities of the blood coagulation system have an influence on outcome in patients with fulminant hepatic failure(FHF).The protein C(PC)pathway is one of the main modulators of the blood coagulation system.The role of the PC pathway in FHF is not clear.In the present study,we evaluated endothelial cell injury and the grade of activated protein C(APC)generation in FHF patients.Material and methods.The effect of APC on the expression of tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-αand monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1 from LI90 stellate cells was also evaluated.This study comprised 5 patients with FHF,6 with acute hepatitis(AH),12 with chronic hepatitis(CH)and 20 healthy subjects.Results.The plasma concentrations of thrombin-antithrombin complex and thrombomodulin were significantly increased in FHF patients compared with those in AH patients and healthy subjects.The circulating levels of activated protein C-protein C inhibitor(APC-PCI)complex and the APC-PCI/PC ratio were significantly decreased in patients with FHF compared to healthy controls.APC significantly inhibited in vitro the expression of TNF-αand MCP-1 from LI90 stellate cells.Conclusions.This study demonstrated enhanced endothelial cell injury in association with decreased PC activation and hypercoagulability in FHF. Objective. Abnormalities of the blood coagulation system have an influence on outcome in patients with fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). The protein C (PC) pathway is one of the main modulators of the blood coagulation system. The role of the PC pathway in FHF is not clear. The present study, we evaluated endothelial cell injury and the grade of activated protein C (APC) generation in FHF patients. Fluid and methods. The effect of APC on the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -alpha and monocyte Chemoattractant protein (MCP) -1 from LI90 stellate cells was also evaluated.This study was made from 5 patients with FHF, 6 with acute hepatitis (AH), 12 with chronic hepatitis (CH) and 20 healthy subjects. Results. The plasma concentrations of thrombin -antithrombin complex and thrombomodulin were significantly increased in FHF patients compared with those in AH patients and healthy subjects. The circulating levels of activated protein C-protein C inhibitor (APC-PCI) complex and the APC-PCI / PC ratio were significan The expression of TNF-α and MCP-1 from LI90 stellate cells. Conclusion of this study demonstrated enhanced endothelial cell injury in association with decreased PC activation and hypercoagulability in FHF.
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