2008的奥运选择了北京,2010的世博会花落上海,一时之间,以此为中心的公共建设项目和相关商业项目纷纷上马,巨型体育场馆、奥运村、购物中心、会展中心、豪华公寓、政府大楼拔地而起,中国的建筑设计因此而成为全世界瞩目的焦点!中国国务院发展研究中心近日的一份研究报告称,预计2001年至2010年间,中国经济的潜在增长速度为7%-7.9%;而2011年至2020年,这一速度仍会维持“,”As decided by Beijing Municipal Government, the gymnasiums for the 2008 Olympic Games will be built in the capital stadium. The Municipal Govemment organizes the Competitors for Architectural Design of China, which is open to renowned design companies, firms and institutes worldwide that are well experienced in designing gymnasiums. The competition is among all architects throughout the world. In recent years, big building projects in China tend to call for large-scale international competitions. In those competitions, many foreign firms have been invited to try their luck, and 90% of the projects almost always go to foreign firms. In some cases, however, the foreign architect chosen for the project has little or no knowledge about China, and thus produces results that are far from what is needed and desired. Be that as it may, the chances for domestic architects and design institutes to participate in big projects have become very slim in most cases. This is the result of a blind belief held by people currently in power that foreign offices are much better than domestic ones, and that by getting a well-known architect to do the work would help put China onto the architectural map. The industry map is divided into three territories.