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  Empresses of China's Last Dynasty Make U.S. Debut
  “Women in Forbidden City: Empresses of Qing Dynasty” Exhibition Wows the US Audience   By Ma Li
  An exhibition exploring the role of the empresses of China's last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), opened recently at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Massachusetts, triggering heated discussion among China’s vigilant netizens after the success of the exhibition was broadcast on the Weibo platform of the Palace Museum.
  For the fans of television blockbusters The Story of Yanxi Palace and Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, both reaping overwhelming rave reviews in China, the exhibition offers interesting clues about the everyday life of the prototypes of the heroines of the palace dramas, one based on Emperor Qianlong’s consort Empress Xiaoyichun and the other on Empress Hoifa Nara, the second wife of Emperor Qianlong. The heat wave from the ancient palace even spread overseas, as many foreign audiences have been searching for the dramas’ English subtitles.
  The exhibition displays nearly 200 spectacular objects, most of which are from the unrivalled collection of the Palace Museum, once known as the Forbidden City and also home to the empresses, and a few from PEM and The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery from the Smithsonian Institution's national museums of Asian art in the United States. The exhibits include imperial portraits, jewelry, garments, Buddhist sculptures, and decorative art objects.
  The Hangzhou-based China Silk Museum also contributed to the exhibition.
  The exhibition is organized by the 219-year-old PEM, the Smithsonian's Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C. and the Palace Museum to honor the 40th anniversary of the establishment of U.S.-China diplomatic relations. Located on the south side of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the Freer and Sackler galleries house the largest Asian art research library in the US.
  The exhibition features three key figures, Empress Dowager Chongqing (1693-1777), Empress Xiaoxian (1712-1748) - Qianlong Emperor’s beloved wife, and Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), one of the most powerful women in Chinese history. Their life experiences revolve around six core themes: imperial weddings, power and status, family roles, lifestyle, religion, and political influence.
  The exhibition is the first one of its kind unveiled to an audience outside China, opening the eye of the visitors with a selection of exhibits that had never been publicly displayed and some rare treasures that had never been on view in America. One of the highlights is a 110-kilogram gold “hair pagoda”, ordered by Qianlong Emperor to be made for his mother to achieve immortality in her Nirvana.   Empress Dowager Chongqing, better known as Empress Xiaoshengxian, gave birth to a boy at the age of 18. The boy grew to be Qianlong Emperor, the sixth emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty. Two of the treasures displayed at the exhibition show the filial piety of the emperor.
  One of the exhibits is a portrait of the Empress Xiaoxian, currently in the collection of PEM. “I spent four years studying this beautiful portrait that not only is a piece of art but also embodies the deep, deep love of the emperor as a husband," said Daisy Yiyou Wang, PEM's curator of Chinese and East Asian Art. Empress Xiaoxian died when she accompanied the emperor on one of his tours to southern China, at the age of only 36. More than 10,000 of the more than 40,000 poems written by Qianlong Emperor were dedicated to her. The two’s love stories were featured in a special section of the exhibition.
  One of the exhibits is an oil work by Katharine Augusta Carl (1865-1938), an American portrait painter and author. She spent nine months in China in 1903 painting a portrait of the Empress Dowager Cixi for the St. Louis Exposition. On her return to America, she published a book about her experience, titled With the Empress Dowager.
  As the wives of the emperors, the empresses were the most powerful women in ancient China. However, their time in the palace and their roles in shaping politics, art, religion and even the Chinese history were often underestimated. And the mystery, caused by the stringent palace rules that kept each of them largely away from public view and the scarcity of historical date regarding this elite group of women, only adds to their charismatic glamour.
  The exhibition in the US is scheduled to close in June, 2019.
韶光正好,意气风发  20多年前,浙江杭州曙光路上有一座四层苏式筒子楼。  像那个年代的许多筒子楼一样,傍晚的时候,走廊上便会弥漫着饭菜的香味;但不一样的是,两边小房间里时不时地会传出男女美声、琴箫筝鼓的天籁之音,穿行在人间的烟火气间。  这是一座年轻的楼,富有着青春的美妙气息。你时不时地会看见,有着长腿天然美颜的妹子,一个高抬腿绷着脚尖就从三四级台阶上跨了下来;又或者,一位剑眉星目的小哥,穿着一
The 459-kilometer-long Qiantang River runs through Zhejiang Province with many tributaries flowing into it before the river merges into the East China Sea at the wide-open Hangzhou Bay. The Xu River i
杭州杨公堤28号的郭庄,被誉为“西湖古典园林之冠”。2019年元宵節,由国家重点花文化基地杭州西湖风景名胜区灵隐管理处(杭州花圃)主办的春兰展,在郭庄开幕——  300余个品种,共计400余盆名贵国兰集中展出。其中包括杭州花圃镇园之宝“赤壳荷素”,以及产自杭州五云山的春兰皇后、兰花奇种“绿云”。  成千上万花友冒寒赶来,争相一睹这名花与胜景相得益彰之妙,正如著名园林学家陈从周先生所曾经描述的“风姿
潘国平不停地咳嗽,他体重不足40公斤,高高瘦瘦,像一根竹子。  这位知名的浙江台州籍国际法教授生了重病,左肺丧失供氧功能,有时候呼吸也困难。但他还是赶到了首发式现场。  北京。不久前,潘国平发起了一场卫温首航台湾1789周年纪念邮折首发式。来参加的有军界、政界、学界、法律界等方面的专家学者。潘国平把他们请来,一起探讨的是三国时期(220年-280年)卫温将军远航台湾的两岸往事,以及这一历史事件在史
莫斯科当地时间2019年2月27日晚上6点30分,俄罗斯莫斯科中国文化中心张灯结彩、高朋满座,由浙江省文化和旅游厅、莫斯科中国文化中心共同主办,浙江省博物馆承办的“东方生活美学展”在此拉开帷幕,200多位莫斯科朋友参加了开幕式并参观展览。  此次展览是中俄建交70周年纪念的启动项目、2019年莫斯科“欢乐春节”活動之一,亦是2019·俄罗斯浙江文化旅游年开幕大展。展览持续至3月18日,受到了俄罗斯
过年过节都要请客吃饭。吃饭主要是吃家乡味道。我家乡常山的味道,主要基调就是个辣。辣味当道,席卷海内外,在此大背景下,常山的辣依然独具神韵,独领风骚。何也?  我以为:川之辣,在麻;鄂之辣,在干;赣之辣,在香;湘之辣,在烈;云贵之辣,在酸;东北之辣,在辛。而常山之辣,主要在鲜。  常山游子遍布全球,每当春节运动会哨子一响,一个个便急吼吼奔赴归乡之途,舟车劳顿,星夜兼程,仆仆风尘中遥望见县城中央那一座
百年越音,古城傳韵。10月12日至28日,由文化和旅游部、浙江省人民政府共同主办的第四届中国越剧艺术节在绍兴举行。新编越剧《王阳明》等24台精选优秀剧目精彩上演。同时,100场演出进乡村、进社区、进校园。  2006年越剧百年诞辰之际,绍兴成功举办了首届中国越剧艺术节。12年来,中国越剧艺术节对越剧艺术的交流合作、传承发展,产生了积极推动作用和深远的社会影响。  (干婧 柯殷琪)  The 4th
今天夏天,16岁的邢邑青出了温州苍南火车站后,又坐了一个半小时汽车才到达泰顺,再经过蜿蜒的山道,来到翁山社区梨垟村。  层峦叠嶂,绿树成阴,他站在听得到鸟鸣、推窗就是群山的“翁山书院”讲台上,看着眼前的同龄人,感觉像一场梦一样。  几天前,他还在美国,刚刚在南加州大学完成了为期一个月的夏季表演课程,和同学排练了莎士比亚的戏剧《仲夏夜之梦》。没想到,几天之后,他回到家乡浙江,竟能为大山里20多个孩子
金庸 CFP供图 A photo of Jin Yong  2018年10月30日,一代武侠小说泰斗金庸逝世,享年94岁。  他给世界留下了由15部小说构建起的武侠世界。而对于故乡浙江,他留下的远多于此。金庸揮毫为母校题词。Jin Yong writes an inscription for Quzhou First MiddleSchool, which he attended in his t
30 Episodes: Jin Yong’s Visit to Homeland, a book published by Hongqi Press, records the novelist’s revisits to Zhejiang over the decades. The photos in the book, from both private collections and his