为进一步深化财政管理制度改革,规范财务收支活动,樟树市决定从2月下旬起,开展财务“集中结算”和“村乡管”改革试点工作。 一、关于“集中结算”:设在一个中心,实行“两无”、“两统”、“两不变” (一)财务“集中结算”改革的内容是:在保持镇属行政事业单位资金所有权不变和财务自主权不变的前提下,取消其银行户,由本级财政统一管理财务人员、资金结算和会计核算,设立会计结算中心,建立一种融会计服务和监督管理为一体的新型财
In order to further deepen the reform of the financial management system and standardize the financial revenue and expenditure activities, Zhangshu City decided to carry out pilot projects of “centralized settlement of finance” and “village and village management” reforms from the end of February. First, on the “centralized settlement”: set up in a center, the implementation of “two no”, “two systems”, “two unchanged” (a) the financial “centralized settlement” of the reform is: to maintain the town is an administrative unit of funds Under the premise of the same ownership and the same financial autonomy, the Bank will cancel its bank account, set up an accounting and settlement center and set up an integrated accounting service and supervision system by unified financial personnel, capital settlement and accounting at the same level. New wealth