世界上最长的吊桥——日本国内连接关西与淡路岛、四国的大动脉——明石海峡大桥,已于1998年4月5日建成通车。明石海峡大桥全长3911m,中间跨度1991m,是世界上最长的吊桥,总投资l兆日元(约合800亿人民币),大桥的建成,使神户与德岛之间由原来的轮渡需3小时缩短为汽车只需1.5小时。 明石海峡大桥,1988年开始修建,1993年建成海中的主塔,塔高297m,(与东京塔基本相同),主塔的抗震能力为8.5级,能经受住78m/s的台风,抗震能力和塔均为世界第一。明石大桥在建设过程中,在抗风、抗震。基础构造等各方面进行了研究,在设计、测量、材料、机械、施工等方面采用了多项新技术,下面对采用的新技术进行一些介绍:
The world’s longest suspension bridge - Japan’s Kansai and Awaji Island, the main artery of the four countries - the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, was completed and opened to traffic on April 5, 1998. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, with a total length of 3911m and a mid-span of 1991m, is the longest suspension bridge in the world with a total investment of 1 trillion yen (about 80 billion yuan). The completion of the bridge has enabled the Kobe-Tokushima Interchange between Kobe and Tokushima to take 3 It only takes 1.5 hours to shorten the car hour. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, built in 1988, was built in 1993 as the main tower in the sea with a tower height of 297m (basically the same as the Tokyo Tower). The main tower has a quake resistance of 8.5 and survives a typhoon of 78m / s, Tower are the world’s first. Mingshi Bridge in the construction process, in the wind, earthquake. Basic structure and other aspects of the study carried out in the design, measurement, materials, machinery, construction and other aspects of the use of a number of new technologies, the following introduction of some of the new technologies: