1 日本对外交通 1.1 日本铁路概述 1.1.1 铁路干线。1872年,日本在东京(现在的新桥)与横滨(现在的樱木町)之间建成了第一条铁路。经过130年的发展,日本铁路非常发达,网络遍布全国。 干线铁路属国有铁路(The Japan National Railway,简称JNR或JR),由日本旅客铁道公司经营。日本还有私营铁路,弥补国铁在线网上的不足。许多旅游景点只有乘坐私铁才能到达。私铁除设有JR标志外,其价格比国铁便宜,服务也较周到。日本铁路有特急快车(特快)、普急快车(普快)、快车(快
1 Japan’s external transportation 1.1 Overview of the Japanese railway 1.1.1 Railway trunk lines. In 1872, Japan built the first railway between Tokyo (now Shinbashi) and Yokohama (now Sakuragicho). After 130 years of development, the Japanese railway is very well developed with networks all over the country. The main railway is the Japan National Railway (JNR or JR) operated by the Japan Railway Company. There are also private railways in Japan that make up for the shortage of the national railway online. Many tourist attractions can only be reached by private rail. In addition to private railway with JR logo, the price cheaper than the National Rail, the service is also more thoughtful. Japan Railway Express Express (express), general Express (general express), express (fast