广角小贴士焦距越小视野越宽,照片内可以容纳的景物范围也越广,所谓的广角镜就是焦距较短、视角较大的镜头。数码相机的等效焦距粗略的可分成三段,即长焦、中焦与广角焦段。对于市场上大部分热销的数码相机而言,其广角焦段一般在35-38mm之间。而真正的广角数码相机其实就是镜头焦距涵盖了28mm广角的产品。由于28mm 的广角视野要比数码相机上最常见的35mm、38mm的广角更宽,因此可以产生很独特的视觉效应,容纳更宽广的场景。
Wide-angle Tips Focal length of the smaller the wider field of view, photos can accommodate the wider range of scenery, the so-called wide-angle lens is shorter focal length, larger view of the lens. The equivalent focal length of the digital camera can be roughly divided into three sections, namely telephoto, in focus and wide-angle focal lengths. For most of the hot digital cameras on the market, the wide-angle focal lengths are generally between 35-38mm. The real wide-angle digital camera is actually the lens focal length covers 28mm wide-angle products. The 28mm wide-angle field of view is wider than the widest 35mm, 38mm of the most common digital cameras, creating a unique visual effect that accommodates a wider range of scenes.