2004年12月9日上午,纪念《山东审判》创刊二 十周年座谈会在济南隆重召开。省委政法委副书记姚 成林,省法院院长、《山东审判》编委会主任尹忠显出席 会议并讲话,省法学会常务副会长、《法学论坛》主编郑 传林,省政法管理干部学院院长李玉福教授,省社科院 法学所所长于向阳,山东法制报副总编辑迟建刚,山东 大学法学院副院长刘保玉教授,《山东审判》编委会成 员、新老编辑,各中院研究室主任和读者代表等30余 人参加了座谈。与会代表对《山东审判》过去20年来取 得的成绩给予了充分肯定,对下一步办刊工作提出了 要求和建议。现将座谈会上的发言整理刊载,以纪念 《山东审判》创刊20周年。
On the morning of December 9, 2004, the symposium commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the “Shandong Trial” was solemnly held in Jinan. Yao Chenglin, deputy secretary of the Provincial Politics and Law Committee, the provincial court president, and Yin Zhongxian, director of the “Shandong trial” editorial board attended the conference and delivered a speech. The executive vice president of the Provincial Law Society, Zheng Chuanlin, chief editor of the Law Forum, Li Yufu, Professor, provincial Academy of Social Sciences Dean of law in Xiangyang, Shandong Legal Daily Deputy Editor-in-Chief Chi Jiangang, Shandong University Law School vice president Professor Liu Baoyu, “Shandong trial” Editorial Board, new and old editors, More than 30 people, including director and reader representatives, attended the discussion. The participating delegates fully affirmed the achievements made by the “Shandong Trial” in the past 20 years and put forward the requirements and suggestions for the next step of running the journal. The presentations at the symposium are now collated to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the publication of the “Shandong Trial”.