法国 Sfena 设备制造公司根据军用及民用市场对激光陀螺仪日益增长的预测,准备大规模生产环形激光陀螺仪。该公司已在法国中西部的夏特罗建立了一座生产激光陀螺仪的新工厂。预计此工厂在1985年到1986年期间每月生产50台激光陀螺仪,到80年代后期每月将生产100台。
France Sfena equipment manufacturing company based on the military and civilian market for laser gyroscope is expected to grow, ready for large-scale production of ring laser gyroscope. The company has set up a new factory for laser gyroscopes in the city of Chartres in the Midwest of France. It is estimated that this factory will produce 50 laser gyroscopes per month from 1985 to 1986 and will produce 100 per month by the late 1980s.