旅行费用法(TCM 法)是目前世界上应用较为广泛的森林游憩价值评价方法。运用 TCM 法评价出鼎湖山风景区2000年的森林游憩价值为31369.0万元,人均425.1元。同时还对风景区单项旅游活动的游憩效益价值作了评价。其结果可为鼎湖山森林游憩活动的经营管理及开发建设提供参考依据。
Travel cost method (TCM method) is the most widely used forest recreation value evaluation method in the world at present. The TCM method was used to evaluate the forest recreation value of Dinghushan Scenic Area in 2000 at 313.69 million yuan and 425.1 yuan per capita. At the same time, the value of recreation benefits of individual tourism activities in scenic area was also evaluated. The results can provide reference for the management and development of Dinghu Mountain forest recreation activities.