In vitro effect of p2l~(WAF-1/CIP1) gene on growth of human glioma cells mediated by EGFR targeted n

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sz_yaoli
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Objective: To construct the EGFR targeted non-viral vector GE7 system and explore the in vitro effect of p21WAF-1/CIPI gene on growth of human glioma cells mediated by the GE7 system. Methods: The EGFR targeted non-viral vector GE7 gene delivery system was constructed. The malignant human glioma cell line U251MG was transfected in vitro with β-galactosidase gene ( reporter gene) and p21WAF-1/CIPI gee (therapeutic gene) using the GE7 system. By means of X-gal staining, MTS and FACS, the transfection efficiency of exogenous gene and apoptosis rate of tumor cells were examined. The expression of p21WAF-1/ CIPI gene in transfected U251MG cell was examined by immunohistochemis-try staining. Results: The highest transfer rate of exogenous gene was 70% . After transfection with p21WAF-1/CIPI gene, the expression of WAF-1 increased remarkably and steadily; the growth of U251MG cells were inhibited evidently. FACS examination showed G1 arrest. The average apoptosis rate was 25.2%. Conclusion: GE7 system has the Objective: To construct the EGFR targeted non-viral vector GE7 system and explore the in vitro effect of p21WAF-1 / CIPI gene on growth of human glioma cells mediated by the GE7 system. Methods: The EGFR targeted non-viral vector GE7 gene delivery system was constructed. The malignant human glioma cell line U251MG was transfected in vitro with β-galactosidase gene (reporter gene) and p21WAF-1 / CIPI gee (therapeutic gene) using the GE7 system. By means of X-gal staining, MTS and Results: The highest transfer rate of exogenous gene was 70% The transfection with p21WAF-1 / CIPI gene, the expression of WAF-1 was remarkably and steadily; the growth of U251MG cells were made evidently. FACS examination showed Gl arrest. The average apoptosis rate was 25.2%. Conclusion: GE7 system has the
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