凤姐是贾府的中心人物。可以说凤姐的成与败,就是贾府兴与衰的一个缩影。贾府由兴盛转向衰落之时,也是凤姐由“一花独秀”走上“英雄末路”之日。说来也巧,凤姐从成功走向失败,尽管有个量变质变的过程,但她管理生涯的高峰与低谷,均定格在办丧事上。 凤姐协理宁国府,主持秦可卿的丧事,是凤姐管理生涯的最得意之笔,她充分施展了自己的能力、权力与威力;还充分显示了自己的精力、活力与魅力。谈笑中定夺乾坤,行动时威风八面。请看:凤姐一接手,如同高明的医生,对宁国府现状,先望闻问切,“理出头绪”,一下子就诊断出宁国府人财物管理上五
Xifeng Jia is the central figure. It can be said that the success or failure of Xifeng is a microcosm of the rise and decline of Jia. Jia government from prosperity to decline, but also by Feng Xifeng “one flower alone show” embarked on the “heroic end” of the day. Coincidentally, Xifeng from success to failure, despite a certain amount of metamorphic change process, but her management career peaks and valleys, are fixed in the funeral. Xifeng Xie Ningguo Fu, presided over the death of Qin Keqing, Xifeng is the most proud of his career management career, she fully demonstrated their ability, power and power; also fully demonstrated his energy, vitality and charm. Talking and laughing in heaven and earth, action imposing. See: Xifeng took over as a clever doctor, the status quo Ningguo prefecture, first look Wenqie cut, “out of ideas”, suddenly diagnosed Ningguo Man of property management on the five