法国人德日■(P.Teilhard de Chardin)和桑志華(F.Licent)二人於一九二二年及一九三二年间曾先后到我国河套地方作了兩次考古调查工作。他們發現有兩个重要遗址:一在水洞溝;一在薩拉烏穌河岸。水洞溝遺址在寧夏省會銀川市东南附近横城以東約二十五公里。當地有一个高约廿五公尺的一个峭壁,在距地面之下的十二公尺深的地层里,发现有古人类的住地。在这里发现人工打碎的石塊和製造成的石器甚多,估計共重量約有三○○公斤之多,石器之外,还发现若干破碎的及燃燒過的骨骼。
The French duo P. Teilhard de Chardin and F. Licent made two archaeological investigations successively to the Hetao area in 1922 and 1932 respectively. They found two important sites: one in Shuidonggou; one on the bank of Sara’s Jesus. Shuidonggou ruins in Yinchuan City, Ningxia Province, near the southeast of Hengcheng about 25 kilometers east. There is a cliff of about 25 meters in height, with ancient human settlements found in a depth of 12 meters below the ground. Here it is found that there are many artificial stone fragments and many stone tools made in the country. The estimated total weight is about 3000 kilograms. Besides the stone tools, some broken and burned bones are found.