在共和国四十多年的历史上,1992年8月31日云南平远街“严打”的枪声是距我们最近也是最猛烈的。在这场举世瞩目的扫毒大战中,共清查出犯罪分子854人,缴获军用枪353支,非军用枪661支,各种子弹39662发,手榴弹、手雷和地雷278枚,爆破筒3根,赃款1000多万元,黄金2.5公斤,白银14.4公斤,机动车94辆,依法没收用毒资建盖的豪华住宅64幢。同时,缴获海洛因896公斤,鸦片85公斤。从此之后,平远街便成了国内外关注的一个热点。弹指间,一年过去了,今天的平远街怎么样了?昔日的顺口溜“吃饱饭,加足油,平远街,不停留”还在流传吗? 带着这些疑问,笔者再次踏上那曾被称作“冒险家乐园”的弹丸之地,将在那里的所见所闻告诉给关心平远街的人们。
In the more than 40-year history of the Republic, the gunfire of “strike hard” at Pingyuan Street, Yunnan on August 31, 1992, was the most intense and recent from us. A total of 854 criminals were seized, 353 military guns were seized, 661 non-military guns, 39,662 rounds of various bullets, 278 grenades, grenades and mines, 3 explosive bombs, More than 10 million yuan, 2.5 kilograms of gold, 14.4 kilograms of silver, motor vehicles 94, according to the law confiscated with luxury 64 buildings. At the same time, 896 kilograms of heroin and 85 kilograms of opium were seized. Since then, Pingyuan Street has become a hot spot at home and abroad. Fingers, a year later, today’s Pingyuan how? Past jingle “Eat, add enough oil, Pingyuan Street, do not stay” is still circulating? With these questions, I once again set foot on The site of the projectile, once called Adventurer’s Paradise, tells what’s going on there to people concerned about Pingyuan Street.