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英国一项有趣的实验证明,如果在不良少年的食物中增加钙量,就可改变他们的攻击性与破坏性。钙具有安定情绪的效果,牛奶、乳酸、奶酪等乳制品,以及小鱼干等,都含有丰富的钙质。 An interesting experiment in the UK has shown that if calcium is added to poor teenage foods, they can change their aggressiveness and destructiveness. Calcium has the effect of calm emotions, dairy products such as milk, lactic acid, cheese, as well as dried fish, etc., are rich in calcium.
1996年6月10日桂政办[1996]68号各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局: 现将国务院办公厅《关于一些地方挤占挪用社会保险基金等问题的通报》(以
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Although hydrophobic interface regions adjacent to water droplets play a vital role in microemulsion-based studies,their widespread applications have not been e
The modern medicine requires precise diagnostic techniques while the fluorescent imaging shows great potential in such applications due to its excellent sensiti
作为沈阳惟一一家动物园和野生动物科普基地,冰川动物乐园由于债务纠纷将于12月初走上拍卖台。拍卖人员表示,拍得乐园51万平方米土地使用权的买家可自行决定土地用途 As the
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粉煤灰处理酸性高铁高锰矿井水是实现资源化利用的关键途径.采用GENESIS XM260SX-射线能谱仪(EDS)分析粉煤灰化学组分,用NaOH、CaO、Na2 CO3、NaC1、HC1、H2SO4等改性剂配制