1 引言烧结机抽风机的运行状况直接影响烧结矿产量、质量的完成 ,在生产过程中必须保证其安全运行 ,在确保其相关数据符合条件时才允许起动 ,在相关数据严重超出其安全运行指标时要进行报警或停止运行。我们采用PLC系统对风机的运行情况进行监控 ,保证其安全稳定运行。2 PLC?
1 Introduction Sintering machine exhaust fan operating conditions directly affect the output of sinter, the quality of the completion of the production process must ensure its safe operation, to ensure that the relevant data are eligible to start only when the relevant data seriously exceeded its safety indicators When to alarm or stop running. We use the PLC system to monitor the operation of the fan to ensure its safe and stable operation. 2 PLC?