为了解辽宁省实施新、旧常规免疫接种率监测方案的报告质量 ,应用EPIinfo和Excel软件对 1998、1999年常规免疫报告数据进行估计接种率、差值、比值的评价和出生队列分析。结果表明 :1998、1999年全省各市口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗 (OPV)、百白破联合疫苗 (DPT)、麻疹疫苗 (MV)和乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗的报告接种率均 >95 %,而1998年的估计接种率 >10 0 %,1999年为 73 5 %~ 89 5 %;通过D值和R值的评价 ,1998、1999年R值多数 (89%和 95 %)可信 ,而 1999年乙肝疫苗与OPV之比仅有 14 3%可信。对 1999年加强免疫应种人数的队列分析发现 :全省 2 4、48月龄的OPV加强免疫应种人数分别较同年出生数减少了 10 %和 2 9 7%;而 7岁MV复种则增加了5 5 %。可见新的常规免疫报告制度更为科学、合理 ,但全省依然存在薄弱地区 ,今后仍需重点抓好加强免疫工作。
In order to understand the quality of reports on the implementation of new and old routine immunization surveillance programs in Liaoning Province, the EPIinfo and Excel software were used to estimate the vaccination rates, differences, ratios and birth cohorts of routine immunization reports from 1998 to 1999. The results showed that the reported inoculation rates of OPV, DPT, MV and Hepatitis B vaccines were> 95% in all the cities in 1998 and 1999, While the estimated vaccination rate in 1998 was> 100%, compared with 73 5% ~ 89 5% in 1999. According to the evaluation of D value and R value, most of the R values (89% and 95%) were reliable from 1998 to 1999, while In 1999, the ratio of hepatitis B vaccine to OPV was only 14.3%. A cohort analysis of the number of booster vaccines in 1999 found that the number of OPV booster vaccines at 24 and 48 months of age in the province decreased by 10% and 297% respectively over the number of births in the same year, while the number of 7-year-old MV multiplication increased 5 5%. It can be seen that the new routine immunization reporting system is more scientific and reasonable. However, the province still has weak areas. In the future, we still need to focus on strengthening the immunization work.