’95北京国际摩托车展览会于1995年12月5日~10日在北京展览馆举行,这是近年来在我国举办的最大规模的国际摩托车展。来自日本、意大利、澳大利亚等国家的,以及我国大陆及台湾地区的百余家主要摩托车厂和配件厂,均送产品参加了此次展览。 北京寒冷的天气没能阻挡住热情的观众,展览大厅内参观的人流络绎不绝,气氛热烈。各个参展单位,将一辆辆动感十足、色彩绚丽、造型美观、风格迥异的摩托车展示在观众面前,使人们置身于摩托车的天地,心旷神怡,流连忘返,久久不愿离去。 此次展览,日本四大家摩托车生产企业尽数到场。本田公司以强大阵容参展,他们带来了CM12ST、
The ’95 Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition was held at the Beijing Exhibition Hall from December 5 to December 10, 1995. This is the largest international motorcycle exhibition held in China in recent years. More than 100 major motorcycle and accessory factories from Japan, Italy, Australia, and mainland China and Taiwan have sent products to the exhibition. The cold weather in Beijing failed to stop the enthusiasm of the audience. The visitors in the exhibition hall were in an endless stream and the atmosphere was warm. Various exhibitors will display a motor-driven motorcycle with beautiful colors, beautiful appearance and different styles in front of the audience. This will enable people to stay in the world of motorcycles and feel relaxed and happy. They will not leave for a long time. In this exhibition, all four motorcycle manufacturers in Japan came to the scene. Honda exhibited with a strong lineup. They brought the CM12ST,