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刚到美国,为了找我要去学习的匹兹堡大学的校门,着实让我费了一番劲。找来找去,硬是没有找见,最后,才知道这个大学根本就没有大门。这倒不是因为作为古老而庞大的大学城,根本不是一个大门所能容纳下的,更因为这个地方的人们对“门”的理解和我们有着太大的差别。事实上,一栋一栋的居民住户连同那错落有致、耸入 Arrived in the United States, in order to find I want to learn the University of Pittsburgh, I really made a lot of effort. Looking for it, just did not find it, and finally, did not know this university simply no gate. This is not because, as an ancient and huge university town, there is no room for it at all. It is even more because people in this place have very different understanding of the door than we do. In fact, one by one resident households together with the patchwork, towering
蛋黄炒苦瓜 原料:苦瓜500克,咸鸭蛋黄50克,洋葱、西芹各15克,蒜仁20克,精盐3克,味精3克,熟芝麻5克,椒盐1克,白糖、干淀粉各适量,色拉油1000克(约耗100克)。 做法:1.苦瓜去蒂
Reservoir deposition occurs over geologic periods of time. Although reservoirs are assumed to be homogenous for simplicity of analysis, most reservoirs are hete
电饭煲使用一段时间后,有些会出现电源指示灯不亮,发热盘不热的毛病。这是为什么呢?其实,电饭锅出厂时,其内部的各个接线柱的螺母未旋得很紧,当其 After using the rice co
The Ertan hydropower station at the Yalong River of Southwest Sichuan Province. It is one of the biggest installed capacity hydropower stations in China. The ma
Ripples are widely formed in river channels and coastal regions, the bed-forms and vortex dynamics accompanied with them are quite important because they are re
原料:南瓜500克,米粉50克,淀粉50克,生姜5克,大蒜5克,辣大酱20克,白糖10克,辣椒面5克,青蒜苗25克,味精2克,豆油100克,油纸1张,精盐3克,芝麻油5克,泡菜汁5克。 制作: 1.将南
简介了贝勒克坝应用反分析法分析该坝施工和蓄水期间的沉降情况。主题词:反分析;施工;蓄水;孔隙水压力观测;沉降观测 An introduction to the Beiluba dam analysis of the