在当前中国大力推动发展新能源汽车的政策背景下,发现最适合使用电动汽车的目标用户具有十分重要的意义.该研究基于北京地区12 000辆浮动车历时两个月的海量行驶数据,结合相应的驾驶员信息、汽车属性信息等,交叉探索居民的出行特性,分析适合使用电动汽车的用户群体.数据分析结果表明主要功能为居住的城市区域相对其他类型的功能区更适合推广电动汽车;如果在目的地区域设置充电桩,可使约9.2%的本来不适合使用电动汽车的用户成为电动汽车的潜在用户.“,”Nowadays,the Chinese government is strongly pushing the adoption of new energy vehicles,so it is of great significance to find the most suitable users of EV (Electric Vehicle).This paper did a data mining work to find out target user group of EV based on two-month traveling data,driver information and vehicle attribute information of 12,000 floating vehicles in Beijing.The results show that residential area is more suitable to push the adoption of EV than other functional areas;adding charging piles in the destination area can turn the 9.2% of drivers who are not suitable for EV due to the maximum mileage into the potential users.