At present, the forms of arbitrary charges in our country are mainly manifested in the following aspects: (1) The charging principle is chaotic. In the major market economies of the West, fees follow the principle of service-revenue. However, the fees and charges in our country are designed on the basis of the principle of “demand-based”. This principle of collecting fees on an as-needed basis directly infringes upon the main body of charge fees, and the deeper danger is that the charges have evolved into a profit-driven mechanism. 1. charge the main chaos. Charges had a clear legal definition of the main and behavioral boundaries, there are strict administrative authority and scope restrictions. However, the principle of collecting fees on demand makes practically no departments and units free of charge. 2. Charges evolved into a profit-driven mechanism. The principle of collecting fees on demand, which departs from the fees and charges as the original means of government regulation and management, makes it an interest-driven mechanism that is difficult to contain. As a result, the government’s income mechanism is not standardized and the government’s behavioral mechanism is distorted.