,Clinical education and student satisfaction: An integrative literature review

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongpeng
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The clinical component of undergraduate clinical education is a critical area in nursing programs. Faculty shortages have made recruitment of clinical faculty and clinical teaching more challenging. As such, alteate models of clinical faculty assignments are being explored to address faculty shortages. This article contains an extensive literature review conducted to survey models of clinical education and student satisfaction with the clinical environment. The purpose of this paper is to examine student satisfaction in the clinical leaing environment using articles employing the Clinical Leaing Envi-ronment Inventory (CLEI) along with examining the use of alteate clinical staffing models in differing levels of undergraduate nursing students. A literature search focusing on studies published between 2002 and 2015 was conducted from 5 electronic databases. Thirty-five articles were reviewed and 22 were selected for this literature review. The studies reviewed concluded that students favored a more positive and favorable clinical environment than they perceived as being actually present. A supportive clinical leaing environment is of paramount importance in securing positive teaching leaing out-comes. Nurse educators can apply the results of this review in order to develop and maintain quality clinical teaching and to promote a positive, student-centric, clinical leaing environment.
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