当老实人、说老实话,做老实事,有严格的要求,严密的组织,严肃的态度,严明的纪律。这是60年代初大庆油田职工提出的响亮口号。笔者呼吁,归宋兮,“三老四严”! “三老四严”包含着极为深刻的管理之道。“三老”,关键是个“实”的问题:“四严”,关键是个“严”的问题。“实”是前提和基础,“严”是要害;“实”是认识问题,“严”是实践问题”。有“实”,才有“严”;有“严”,才能落“实”。“实”“严”结合,张弛有度,才能振兴国有企业。
When honest people, honest, truth-seeking, strict requirements, strict organization, serious attitude, strict discipline. This is the loud slogan proposed by employees of Daqing Oilfield in the early 1960s. The author appealed to Song Song, “Three old and four strict”! “Three old and four strict” contains a very profound management of the road. The key to “three olds” is a “real” problem: “Four strictness” is the key to “strictness.” “Reality” is the premise and basis, “strictness” is the key, “reality” is the problem of understanding, and “strictness” is the problem of practice. “There is ”reality“ and only ”strictness“; ”strictness“ can result in ”realization.“ Only by combining ”real“, ”strictly" and generous degrees can we revitalize state-owned enterprises.