宝洁与中央电视台的合作,在近年来宝洁强化媒介策略的过程中得到了深化。宝洁公司在全球范围内都在不断地进行市场营销创新。我们发现,21世纪的市场营销正面临消费者日益分流化和多元化的现状,消费者的品牌识别意识正越来越强。随着越来越多的品牌在市场上不断涌现,品牌间竞争的压力也越来越大。作为企业,宝洁同样面临着21世纪营销策略应如何创新的挑战。我们正在做哪些改变呢? 第一,我们正强化整合市场营销的概念。整合营销的目的是为了让我们的消费者获得更多选择的机会。在我们心目中,消费者是至高无上的,是市场营销中最重要的因素。第二、进行消费者认可性的市场营销。我们希望市场营销不仅是单方面的销售,更是一个互动性的过程,我们通过市场营销使消费者对我们的营销产生感应和认同。第三、我们需要有效的评估手段来量化我们所做的一切。我们希
P & G’s cooperation with CCTV has been deepened in the process of strengthening P & G’s media strategy in recent years. Procter & Gamble in the global market are constantly marketing innovation. We found that in the 21st century, marketing is facing the increasingly diversified and diversified status quo of consumers. Consumers’ awareness of brand identity is getting stronger and stronger. As more and more brands continue to emerge in the marketplace, the pressure of competition among brands is also growing. As an enterprise, P & G also faces the challenge of how to innovate its marketing strategy in the 21st century. What are we doing? First, we are strengthening the concept of integrating marketing. Integrated marketing is designed to give our consumers more choices. In our mind, consumers are paramount and the most important factor in marketing. Second, conduct consumer acceptance marketing. We hope that marketing is not only a one-sided sales, but also an interactive process. Through marketing, we make consumers feel and agree with our marketing. Third, we need effective assessment tools to quantify what we do. We hope