
来源 :昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MKLIN
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Host selection behaviors of parasitic wasps are a comoplex and hierarchy process,which includes habitat preference, potential host location and host location. In the field,whether a parasitic wasp successfully finds its host or not is determined by many facors such as climatic conditions, host density, chemical environment, physiological states and ex-priences.This paper surveys the recent progress in the study on host selection behaviors of parasitic wasps. The following aspects are included: 1. host searching, oviposition and post-oviposi-tion behaviors of the parasitoids and the cues employed, and 2- behavioral variations of the wasps and associated factors including genotype, physiological states, experiences and learn-ing. Prospective application of parasitic wasps in pest insect control is discussed. Host selection behaviors of parasitic wasps are a comoplex and hierarchy process, which includes habitat preference, potential host location and host location. In the field, whether a parasitic wasp successfully found its host or not is determined by many facors such as climatic conditions, host density, chemical environment, physiological states and ex-priences. This paper surveys the recent progress in the study on host selection behaviors of parasitic wasps. The following aspects are included: 1. host searching, oviposition and post-oviposi-tion behaviors of the parasitoids and the cues employed, and 2-behavioral variations of the wasps and associated factors including genotype, physiological states, experiences and learn-ing. Prospective application of parasitic wasps in pest insect control discussed.
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