宫灯百合为百合科提灯花属多年生球根草本植物,又名宫灯花。其株高60cm~90cm,冠幅90 cm~120cm。叶片互生,线形或披针形,无柄,全缘。花冠球状钟形,似宫灯,橘黄色,下垂,花瓣合生,上部稍反卷。蒴果。自然花期晚春至初夏。原产南非,性喜光照充足及湿润的环境,不耐热,夏季高温休眠,较耐寒。喜疏松、肥沃、排水良好的壤土,生长适温1 2℃~22℃。
Palace lantern lily Branch lily perennial bulbous herb, also known as palace lantern. The height of 60cm ~ 90cm, crown 90 cm ~ 120cm. Leaves alternate, linear or lanceolate, sessile, entire. Corolla spherical bell-shaped, like palace lanterns, orange, drooping, petals connate, upper slightly rewinding. Capsule. Natural flowering late spring to early summer. Origin South Africa, sexual hi light and moist environment, heat-resistant, high temperature dormancy in summer, more resistant to cold. Hi loose, fertile, well-drained loam, growth temperature 12 ℃ ~ 22 ℃.