本期刊物安排了两篇有关轻型车的市场论述的文章。两篇文章的焦点都在于市场竞争。中国汽车“缺重少轻” 的说法至少有一半已成为历史。轻型车,无论是轻型载客车或是轻型载货车均已呈现供大于求的状态。现在的问题是对于这样一个12亿人口、国民经济以8%一9%的增长速度发展的大国来说,目前市场每月约3万辆的销量实不为过。关键在于品种、质量和价格。实际上我国农村市场已被月平均销量约10万辆的农用车占领。即然提倡竞争,城里的轻型车企业为何不去研究一下,如何利用自己的技术优势、开发优势、规模优势去开发价廉物美、多用途、多品种的轻型车?何必都挤在城里“斗”?
This issue has arranged two articles on the market discourse on light vehicles. The focus of both articles is market competition. At least half of the Chinese saying “less serious and less serious” has become history. Light-duty vehicles, whether light-duty trucks or light-duty trucks have been oversupplied state. The problem now is that for such a large country with a population of 1.2 billion and a national economy that has grown at a rate of 8% to 9%, the sales of about 30,000 vehicles a month are not too much for the current market. The key is the variety, quality and price. In fact, China’s rural market has been the average monthly sales of about 100,000 vehicles occupied. Now that competition is promoted, why do not light-city enterprises in the city study how to use their own technological advantages to develop advantages and scale advantages to develop low-cost, multi-purpose and multi-species light vehicles? “Fighting”?