用电化学方法研究了影响不锈钢在模拟水中耐蚀性的一些因素。结果显示 ,不锈钢电极点蚀电位 Eb与氯离子和硫酸根离子浓度的比值有关 ,当 [Cl- ]/ [SO2 - 4](mg/ L)≤ 0 .5 6时 ,氯离子不促进不锈钢点蚀 ;硫离子可使不锈钢电极阻抗值大幅度降低 ,同时增大不锈钢电极的钝态电流密度 ;硝酸根离子对不锈钢的点蚀有缓蚀作用 ;温度升高可使不锈钢点蚀电位降低 ,钝态电流增大
Some factors affecting the corrosion resistance of stainless steel in simulated water were studied electrochemically. The results show that the pitting potential Eb of stainless steel electrode is related to the ratio of chloride ion and sulfate ion concentration. When [Cl-] / [SO2 - 4] (mg / L) ≤0.56, chloride ion does not promote the corrosion of stainless steel Sulfide can greatly reduce the resistance of stainless steel electrodes and increase the density of passive current of stainless steel electrodes. Nitrate ions have a pitting corrosion inhibition effect on stainless steel. The increase of temperature can decrease the pitting potential of stainless steel, State current increases