
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinasun09
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创作一首歌曲并不难,但要创作一首好歌曲却很难。这是千真万确的硬道理。八十年代曾唱响四方的《心愿》虽算不上什么精品,可它所凝聚的情感和所浓缩的体验,实实在在包容了我半生的心血、经历。处在1985年那样一个特殊的年代里,象我这个年龄段的人,感受是颇多的。我们既有对翻身解放的无限欣喜,也有对十年动乱的深刻反思,更有对中国未来的悄然担忧。及至十一届三中全会之后,我们看到了光明的未来,但也为问题如山的现实而快怏不乐,可见生活经历本身留下了十分复杂的情感。要将这样一种漫长的经历和复杂的情感浓缩在一首歌曲的歌词之中,的确不是一件易事。 It’s not hard to create a song, but it’s hard to make a good song. This is the absolute truth. Although the “wish” of the Quartet in the 1980s that sing the Quartet is not really a boutique, the emotion and concentrated experience it has gathered have really embraced my half-life effort and experience. In a special era like 1985, people like me have a lot of feelings. We are both boundlessly delighted with the emancipation of the Chinese people. We also have profound rethinkings of the turmoil of the past decade and more quietly worrying about the future of China. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we have seen a bright future but are also happy about the reality of the problem. It shows that the life experience itself has left a very complicated feeling. Enriching such a long experience and complex emotions in the lyrics of a song is by no means easy.
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