
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzl1983523
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黔东南自然资源丰富,民族医药知识传承较好。通过查阅该地区各地方志整理出具有香味的植物,分类为建材类、染料兼药物类、药用类、芳香油类;进一步走访当地少数民族了解到部分常用资源的使用情况;结合现代文献研究,对具有较大开发价值的杉、马蓝、吴茱萸、油茶、排香草进行了详细介绍。本文旨在发掘黔东南地区的道地药材,同时从民族地区对植物的特别用法中找寻传统植物的新用途,为物种的开发与利用提供新的视角,从而将资源优势变为经济优势,为地区的发展提供一定科学依据。 Qiandongnan rich in natural resources, national medicine knowledge better. By consulting the local magazines in the region to sort out the fragrant plants, they are classified into building materials, dyes and pharmaceuticals, medicinal and aromatic oils; further visits to local ethnic minorities are made to understand the usage of some commonly used resources; and with the help of modern literature research, On a larger development value of fir, horse blue, Evodia, Camellia, row of herbs were introduced in detail. The purpose of this article is to explore the native medicinal materials in the southeastern Guizhou province. At the same time, the author tries to find new uses of traditional plants from the special usage of plants in minority areas, and provides a new perspective for the development and utilization of species, which turns resource advantages into economic advantages. Regional development to provide a scientific basis.
目的探讨环孢素(Cyclosporin A,CsA)对儿童难治性肾病综合征(Refractory Nephritic Syndrome,RNS)的临床疗效。方法将本院35例RNS患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组,其中治疗组分为激素
本文叙述:①碳化硅单晶热敏电阻的特点、系列和规格;②制造工艺及研究③元件在仪表中的应用等。 This article describes: ① silicon carbide single crystal thermistor c