《黑镜》是一部反乌托邦的英国电视剧,描写不久的将来发生的事情。在其中一集中,每一个人都在耳朵后面植入了芯片,可以记录过去的时光。生活的每一个瞬间随时都可以调出来场面再现,就像在你眼前放电影一样。南加州大学的生物医学工程师西奥多·伯格(Theodore Berger)说,他研制的一种“记忆假体”会起到类似的作用,虽然不能保证完全恢复记忆,不过也许会改善记忆状况。这个装置能模仿海马体的
Black Mirror is a dystopian British TV series depicting what’s going to happen in the near future. In one of these episodes, everyone was implanted with a chip behind their ears to record the past. Every moment of life can be transferred out of the scene to reproduce, just like the movie in front of you. Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineer at the University of Southern California, said he developed a “memory prosthesis” that would play a similar role, though it did not guarantee a complete recovery of memory, though it may improve memory situation. This device mimics the hippocampus