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《中国制造2025》提出:打造具有国际竞争力的制造业,是我国提升综合国力、保障国家安全、建设世界强国的必由之路。“十二五”时期,制造业的转型升级一直在经济新常态背景下稳步推进,并取得显著成效,增长动力开始发生转换,产业结构趋于优化。目前,我国制造业正处在从产业链低端向高端“爬坡过坎”的关键阶段,既有前所未遇的挑战,也有前所未见的机遇。在新一轮全球产业链重组过程中,我国制造业面临来自发达国家与周边国家的双重竞争压力。“十三五”时期,制造业转型升级需在“十二五”时期成效的基础上,按照《中国制造2025》规划提出的发展路径继续推进,实现从“制造大国”向“制造强国”的质变。 “Made in China 2025” put forward: Building an internationally competitive manufacturing industry is the only way for our country to enhance its overall national strength, safeguard its national security and build a world power. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry steadily progressed in the context of the new economic normal and achieved remarkable results. The growth momentum started to shift and the industrial structure tended to be optimized. At present, China’s manufacturing industry is at a crucial stage from the low-end to the high-end of the industrial chain. It has both unprecedented challenges and unprecedented opportunities. In the new round of restructuring of the global industrial chain, China’s manufacturing industry is facing double competitive pressure from developed countries and neighboring countries. In the period of “13th Five-Year Plan”, the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry should be based on the achievements in the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” and follow the development path proposed in the “Made in China 2025” plan to realize the transformation from a “big manufacturing country” To “create power” quality change.
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