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古代,凡是重镇,都置有鼓楼。鼓楼初建何时?对当时社会起过什么作用?民国十九年《重修滑县志》中有这样一段记载:“北魏时,兖州多盗。李崇为刺史,乃村置一楼,盗发之时,双槌乱击。四面诸村始闻者,挝鼓一通,次复闻者,以二为节次,后闻者以三为节次,各击鼓千槌。诸村闻鼓,皆守要路。是以俄顷之间,声布百里之内。其中险要,悉有伏人,盗窃始发,便尔擒送。诸州置楼悬鼓,自崇始也。宋,薛季宣令武昌亦乡置一楼,盗发伐鼓,瞬息遍百里。盖世多盗,弥盗之法,莫良乎此。故后世效之,州县多置鼓楼。”由此可见,鼓楼初建北魏,为李崇所创。以此传递信号,便于擒贼捉盗。这种传递信息的方法,是继烽火狼烟之后的又一创举,是我国古代发展“信息科学”的又一例证。但到后来,鼓楼逐渐失去了它原来的作用,有人以它的建造之美来供人观赏,也有人以它的丽谯之华来粉饰太平。新中国建 In ancient times, all the important towns, there is a Drum Tower. When the Drum Tower was first constructed? What role did the society play at that time? In the nineteen years of the Republic of China, the book titled “Restoring Huaxian County” reads: “When the Northern Wei Dynasty, Yanzhou Dorset, Li Chong was the governor of history, When the two hammers chaos hit, the news of all villages began to be heard, and the drums were re-routed one after the other, and the second one was repeated, while the second was the third one, each drumming a thousand mallet. Shou main road is between Russia and China, the sound of cloth within a hundred miles. One of the most important, there are volt people, theft origin, mercenary sent Zhuzhou Zhuang Drum Tower, from the beginning also. Also rural home on the first floor, Pirates of the Fa Kuei, blink of an eye Barry. Gatherer Pirates of the Pirates of the law, Mo Liang almost this. Created by Li Chong. In order to pass the signal, easy to capture the thief. This method of transmitting information is another example of the ”information science" in ancient China after the flames of war broke out. Later, however, the Drum Tower gradually lost its original function. Some used it as a watch for its beauty of construction, while others used it as a touchstone for peace. New China Construction
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今年九月二日是越南民主共和国成立的十五周年。中国人民和越南人民一道热烈庆祝这个佳节。就在今年的五月,我访问了我们的近邻、兄弟之邦。下面是此行游记的一段。 Septemb
徐兰是某企业一名事业心很强的女经理, 每日起早摸黑,忙忙碌碌,前一段时 间常感到很累,晚上一躺下来身子骨就像散 了架似的,月经周期也出现紊乱,月经期后又有少量出血。她自
你见过“神奇的港湾”吗?在一望无际的大海上,一丝儿遮挡都没有,有这么一片海面,每逢七级大风,外边是波浪滔天,而这儿则是泛道道波纹而已! 这次,我有幸饱览了它。金色的九月
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编辑同志:我今年45岁,我发现和我年龄相近的几位女同事最近相继患上了子宫肌瘤。听一位朋友说:中年妇女极易患子宫肌瘤。请问这是真的吗?希望得到你们的指点,谢谢! 重庆市:张婷