Art School for the Ages

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  The foundation of the CCAACU will not only promote the development of art industry in southwest China, but also strengthen art exchanges between China and ASEAN countries.
  “You and I walk the streets of Chengdu, never stopping until all the lights go out,” goes a line from a popular folk song named after Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province in southwestern China. The song’s melody can even be heard on the streets of many cities in ASEAN countries.
  In November 2017, the College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University (CCAACU) was officially unveiled, scheduled to be fully operational this year. The school will provide opportunities for young people from ASEAN countries who are enthusiastic about art and interested in studying in China.
  Qualified Teaching Staff
  The inauguration ceremony of CCAACU was held in a gymnasium of Chengdu University on November 19, 2017. Many household names and even world-renowned artists were on hand for the ceremony. Lu Siqing, an internationally acclaimed violinist, performed live. Chinese bel canto singers Liao Changyong, Ding Yi, Yao Hong and Zhang Yingxi, also specially-appointed professors at the CCAACU, teamed up to perform “Nessun Dorma” (from Turandot), “None Shall Sleep” in English.
  The art academy invited Chinese writer Feng Jicai and other cultural scholars to serve as general advisers. More than 80 artists and art educators including singers Tseitain Zhoima (a Tibetan folk singer) and Li Guyi, film director Chen Kaige, crosstalk comedian Jiang Kun, actor Jackie Chan and TV host Yang Lan hold posts as advisers, members of the academic committee and visiting professors. Many people have likened the strong and qualified teaching faculty at CCAACU to the all-star lineup headlining each year’s CCTV (China Central Television) New Year’s Gala.
  Yu Junjian, former director of the Performing Arts Center of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, took office as dean of CCAACU. Yu is a revered tenor with hits such as “Say a Word in Heart” and “Little White Poplar.” He remarked that the CCAACU is expected to establish the first training base for tenors of national vocal music and set up a teaching system.
  Chen Kaige, director of Farewell My Concubine, a Golden Palm Award-winning movie at Cannes International Film Festival in 1993, revealed that he plans to set up a directing department at the college in the future.
  Ding Yi, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Department of Vocal and Opera of China Conservatory of Music, noted that since ancient times China and ASEAN countries have had frequent cultural and art exchanges. “The foundation of the CCAACU will not only promote the development of art industry in southwest China, but also strengthen art exchanges between China and ASEAN countries, fostering more qualified art professionals for ASEAN countries,” Ding added.   The CCAACU will continue to employ accomplished artists and art educators as faculty. Theoretically, the teaching faculty should consist of artists who have important influence and are recognized by the industry, as well as qualified professionals who have overseas art education experience and related industry background. The college will maintain small class sizes and adopt an individualized tutorial system to optimally cultivate students.
  New Platform for Cultural and Educational Cooperation
  Luo Qiang, mayor of Chengdu, announced that the city fully supports the construction and development of the CCAACU and has incorporated it into major municipal cultural and educational projects. The city will also accelerate the planning and construction of a new campus for the CCAACU and support the launch of the “Chengdu ASEAN Arts Scholarship.”
  The CCAACU is a comprehensive art college based on Chengdu University’s Academy of Arts and Films. It utilizes a council system and enjoys autonomy from the university in terms of human resources, accounting and external affairs.
  The CCAACU includes schools of fine arts and design, music and dance as well as a film and animation academy. Training venues such as concert halls, art galleries and studios will be constructed to the highest standards. Majors including tenor of national vocal music, industrial design and animation production will be constructed. The CCAACU will hold “ASEAN Art Forum” and “International Art Exchange Week” and launch awards such as “ASEAN Music Award,” “ASEAN Animation Award” and “ASEAN Design Award” to create a new platform for cultural and people-to-people cooperation between China and ASEAN. It will also build an art town, an art street and a museum on campus.
  According to an official from Chengdu University’s admissions office, admissions to the CCAACU are included in the national college enrollment program. The CCAACU is expected to become fully operational in September 2018 with enrollment of less than 4,000 students. In terms of international enrollment, the CCAACU will focus on recruiting students from countries along the Belt and Road, especially outstanding students from ASEAN countries. In addition to offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs, the CCAACU will also enroll non-degree preparatory students, exchange students, students for further study and research scholars. Graduates of the school will receive a diploma from Chengdu University.   The CCAACU will also strive for awarding the Chengdu ASEAN Arts Scholarship, the Belt and Road Scholarship and Chengdu Sister Cities Scholarship to outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate students from ASEAN countries. The main criteria of these scholarships are comparable to a National Scholarship.
  The foundation of the CCAACU has also received wide support from ASEAN countries. Art universities from ASEAN countries including Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (Thailand), Silpakorn University (Thailand), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Naresuan University (Thailand), Payap University (Thailand) and Tunku Abdul Rahman University (Malaysia) have signed cooperation agreements with the CCAACU. Exchange and cooperation will be conducted in the fields of educational concepts, international teaching models and cultivation of international art professionals. At the same time, the institution is working to strengthen mutual recognition of credits and course resources sharing with international art academies, promote student and academic exchange, cooperate on projects and exchange cultural and art performances.
柬埔寨首都,有着一个很好听的中文名:金边。不过它的英语和高棉语发音跟“金边”两个字完全不搭边,这个首都城市的高棉语发音叫“普农奔”(PHNOM PENH)。  2004年,因为工作第一次去金边,至今陆陆续续去了不下10次。就东盟国家的首都城市而言,吉隆坡最干净,新加坡最繁华,雅加达和曼谷最热闹,雅加达最拥挤,而金边则是感觉最自由和放松的城市。  感受不一样的金边  说到金边的自由,首先说它的货币兑
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