针对交直流大电网暂态功角稳定控制问题,基于控制直流功率加快耗散系统暂态能量的机理,研究提出了有效的直流暂态稳定控制策略并进行了工程应用探索。提出了直流功率作用系数指标,并通过系统暂态能量函数分析,论证了直流功率作用系数在广域频率信号集成和直流稳定控制设计中的关键作用。围绕南方电网云广特高压直流暂态稳定控制器的设计和实施,详细介绍了广域量测信号的选择和直流功率控制幅度的设置过程。在南方电网的大规模RT DS数模混合仿真平台上进行的控制装置实测试验表明,所设计的暂态稳定控制器可以明显抑制系统大扰动后的功角振荡,有效提高云广交流断面的暂态稳定极限输电能力。“,”This paper proposed an effective high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) transient stability control strategy based on accelerating the dissipation of the transient energy and tests its industrial application. A HVDC power effect coefficient was proposed which plays a key role in WAN frequency signal integration and the design for DC stability controller. In specific to the design and application example of the Yun-Guang HVDC transient stability controller in the China South Power Grid (CSPG), this paper introduces the selection of the WAN measurement signal and the setting of control parameters. A controller prototype is then developed and tested on the RTDS simulation platform of CSPG. The test results show that the proposed control strategy can be applied in practice to improve the transient stability and the power transfer capability of Yun-Guang AC transmission corridor.