去年11月间我们到某师了解整编后各级工作展开方法,曾专门召集了营卫生排长座谈会。他们对新编制情况下的工作展开方法,介绍了不少情况和经验。由于驻地分散,还未能采取以团为单位的门诊方法,因之营卫生排的任务,还是比较繁重和复杂的,工作方法的确值得研究。现根据座谈会上大家提出的情况和经验,结合个人意见加以整理,介绍如下: 首先是关于平时营卫生排的任务问题,“内务条令”中明确的规定了:营卫生排长隶属于营长,并受团卫生主任的业务指导。他是全营卫生人员的首长,职责有十一条(内务条令113.114条)。但就其基本任务来说,不外乎是负责:全
In November last year, we went to a division to understand the methods of work at various levels after the reorganization. We convened a special forum on health promotion at the camp. They started their work on the new establishment and introduced a lot of situations and experiences. Due to the fragmentation of the stations and the failure to adopt the outpatient clinic as a unit, the task of health management in the camps is still more complicated and complicated. The working methods are worthy of study. According to the symposium, we present the situation and experience, combined with personal opinion to be collated, described as follows: The first is about the task of peacetime battalion row task, “House Rules ” clearly stipulates: battalion health platoon leader belonging Battalion commander, and by the Mission Health Director’s operational guidance. He is the head of the health workers in the camp and has 11 duties (House Rule 113.114). But its basic task, nothing more than is responsible for: all