绿色奏鸣 响彻陇原——全省实施西部大开发战略综述

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“生态环境建设不仅关系到西部地区的发展和人民生活的改善,也关系到整个中华民族的生存和发展环境,一定要坚持不懈地抓好。只要一代一代人坚持不懈的努力,西部的生态环境一定能够得到根本改善。”江泽民总书记最近在陕西考察时,就生态环境建设再次发出重要号召。朱镕基总理近日也指出:“加快退耕还林步伐,是调整农业结构、加强生态建设的重大举措,也是当前增加农民收入最直接、最有效的办法,更是贫困山区脱贫致富的根本途径。”自从1999年3月党中央启动西部大开发战略到2000年1月正式拉开实施西部大开发的帷幕以来, “The construction of ecological environment not only concerns the development of the western region and the improvement of people’s life, but also the survival and development environment of the entire Chinese nation and must unswervingly grasp it.” As long as the efforts of generations of people make unremitting efforts, the ecology of the west The environment can certainly be fundamentally improved. “General Secretary Jiang Zemin once again made an important call for the construction of the ecological environment when he recently visited Shaanxi. Premier Zhu Rongji also pointed out recently: ”Quickening the pace of returning farmland to forestry is a major move to adjust agricultural structure and enhance ecological construction. It is also the most direct and effective way to increase peasants’ income. It is also a fundamental way for poverty-stricken mountain areas to get rid of poverty and prosperity.“ ”Since the party Central Committee started the strategy for the great development of the western region in March 1999 and officially started implementing the grand western development in January 2000,
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