机械工程的历史 我们知道,机械工程是工程中的一个主要分支,在古代它是从涉及到动的结构物的工程——军事工程中分离出来的。 十八世纪后期蒸汽机的发明,为工业革命提供了一种关键性的动力源,从而为各种型式机械的开发提供了巨大的推动力。其结果,就分离出来了一种主要的新工程类别——牵涉到工具和机械的机械工程。1847年在英格兰伯明翰成立了机械工程学会,这才是人们对机械工程正式承认的开始。
The History of Mechanical Engineering We know that mechanical engineering is a major branch of engineering. In ancient times it was separated from military engineering that involved engineering structures. The invention of the steam engine in the late eighteenth century provided a key source of power for the industrial revolution and thus provided a tremendous impetus for the development of various types of machinery. As a result, a major new engineering category has been isolated—mechanical engineering involving tools and machinery. In 1847, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering was established in Birmingham, England. This was the beginning of formal recognition of mechanical engineering.