“科伦那多”号两栖指挥舰(Coronado AGF-11)原是奥斯汀级船坞运输舰的8号舰,1964财政年度批准建造,由洛克希德造船集团于1965年5月3日开工,1966年7月30日下水,1970年5月建成服役,1980年底改为两栖指挥舰,1997年年中进行了18个月的改装。该舰标准排水量11428吨,满载排水量16912吨,最大航速21节,续航力7700海里/20节。舰员编制485人,指挥参谋人员171人。该舰现作为美海军太平洋舰队第3舰队的旗舰,母港为美国的圣迭戈。
The Coronado AGF-11, formerly a No. 8 ship of the Austin-class dock ship, was approved for construction in fiscal year 1964 and was started by Lockheed Shipbuilding on May 3, 1965, 1966 It was launched on July 30 and completed its service in May 1970. It was renamed the amphibious command ship by the end of 1980 and was retrofitted for 18 months in mid-1997. The ship's standard displacement of 11,428 tons, full load displacement of 16,912 tons, the maximum speed of 21 knots, endurance of 7,700 knots / 20 knots. 485 crew members, 171 command staff officers. The ship now serves as the flagship of Fleet 3 of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, home to San Diego, United States.