
以新姿态重塑产业价值链2015PH Value中国国际针织(秋冬)博览会即将在沪开幕

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【机 构】
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【出 处】
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当前,整个针织行业出口情况好于预期,经济再平衡取得初步成果,产能问题得到一定缓解。但也出现投资下滑快于预期、外向型经济高度重合、竞争日趋明显的趋势。企业面临成本上升和资源环境约束日益加剧的严峻现状,加快转型升级成为中国针织行业发展的根本任务。或许,一个能够得到全球消费市场回馈声音的展会,正是中国针织产业的最佳练兵场。10月13日,在国家会展中心(上海)4.2号馆 At present, the entire knitting industry exports better than expected, the economy rebalance achieved initial results, capacity problems have been alleviated. However, there was also a tendency that investment fell faster than expected and that export-oriented economies were highly coincidental with increasingly obvious competition. Enterprises face the grim situation of rising costs and increasing constraints on resources and environment, and accelerating transformation and upgrading has become a fundamental task for the development of China’s knitting industry. Perhaps, a show that can get the voice of the global consumer market feedback, it is the best training ground for China’s knitting industry. October 13, at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) Hall 4.2
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