Jack’s Indelible Trauma in Home,caused by his Instinctoid

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  【Abstract】In Home, regarded as one of the modern classics and written by Marilynne Robinson, one of the most famous female writers in contemporary American literature, the protagonist Jack is a very complicated figure. This paper mainly focuses on studying Jack’s Trauma caused by his instinctoid from the perspective of Humanism, claiming that his instinctoid is the biggest internal reason to hinder his self-actualization. Jack’s instinctoid primarily comes from two aspects. One is driven by his curiosity as a na?ve child; the other is motivated by his lack of the safety, the belongingness and love. His indelible trauma, imprinted in Jack’s mind, is like the Red Letter on the heroine Hester Prynne in Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter.
  【Keywords】Protagonist Jack; Trauma; Instinctoid; Home
  【作者簡介】Cai Huiying,Qujing Normal University 。
  In Maslow’s view, motivation, mainly referring to the one both internally and externally, is the major cause which propels human beings to take part in various activities. The concept of the Instinctoid, based on the instinct theory in the traditional psychology, is put forward by Maslow. The instinctoid and the instinct are both influenced by the organism’s biological nature, but they are totally different. Unlike the instinct traditionally, the instinctoid is not evil but neutral, according to Maslow. Jack possesses the characteristics of the instinctoid, becoming a big impediment in Jack’s seeking self-actualization. His instinctoid mainly involves some misdemeanors or misbehaviors in his youthhood, including his childhood pranks, his theft, his drinking, his fathering a child with a local white girl named Annie Wheeler and so forth.
  Jack’s instinctoid primarily comes from two aspects. One is driven by his curiosity as a na?ve child; the other is motivated by his lack of the safety, the belongingness and love. According to Maslow, curiosity is a trait of all human beings. It seems that children have their natural curiosity. Maslow also says that a healthy child has a stronger curiosity. (Goble, 38) Without exception, youthful Jack has his own natural and innate curiosity. In Jack’s adolescence, he has unintentionally done many unexplainable pranks. For instance, Jack “once blew up his [Ames’s] mailbox, like I [Jack] would have teased a cat or stirred an anthill.” (Home, 132) Additionally, he broke into houses to steal inconsequential sums of money or anything else, but he didn’t need them at all. Jack ever helplessly says to Glory whom Jack trusts only,   I used to test it, stir up a little trouble to make sure the old fellow was still keeping an eye on me. Sometimes I’d be out in the barn, in the loft, listening to the piano, you all singing ‘My Darling Clementine,’ and I’d think, Maybe they’ve forgotten all about me, and it felt like death, in a way. I was usually closer to home than he thought I was. Where he didn’t look for me. (Home, 288)
  Unfortunately, no one really discerned Jack’s motive. All the family members only thought Jack was Jack, he did what he liked, he was a malicious child, and he just didn’t care for his father, mother, sisters and brothers, even his home. Gradually, Jack becomes a stranger in Boughton’s house. Even in the neighbors’ eyes, Jack was a miscreant boy. As the wife of Mr. Trotsky says to Jack, “I know who you are. The boy thief, the boy drunkard!” Because the need for the safety, belongingness and love from his parents is not satisfied, Jack continues his misdeeds. He got a local underage girl pregnant and then abandoned this white girl and their daughter. As Maslow claims, motivations are complicated; a person’s desire for sex represents a wish of his or her wanting to attract others’ attention. “In this relatively well-fed and well-clothed society, lack of love is the major cause of people’s misbehaviors.” (Maslow, 2003: 2) The root of Jack’s transgression is lack of safety, belongingness and love. As Jack thought, “the house was not quite his, nor the family.” (53)
  Under a scandalous shadow and with a bad reputation as a thief and a scoundrel, Jack left his hometown Gilead. Jack carries a load of guilt for his troubled history which always runs upon Jack like a parasite or an apparition which becomes Jack’s greatly spiritual burden in his vagrant life. After his absence for twenty years, Jack determines to come back to his hometown Gilead to seek for his inner peace, and simultaneously to build a received and approved home belonging to his lover Della, a black woman, their son little Robert and him. Because Gilead itself, in the Old Testament, is the source of the balm of Gilead, a healing salve. After publishing her second novel Gilead, Robinson (2004) stated in the Rothenberg interview that the town Gilead is “used as a symbol of what can be restored, what can be hoped for.” As a new spokesperson of Robinson, Jack in Robinson’s latest novel Home also insists at the very start that Gilead will be hopeful and therapeutic for him both emotionally and psychologically. Unfortunately, homecoming is an excruciating nuisance. His notorious history, imprinted in Jack’s mind, is like the Red Letter on the heroine Hester Prynne in Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter. In Gilead, people regard Jack himself as a symbol of something disreputable. Ostensibly, it seems to him to forget his humiliated past. In fact, Jack can’t forgive himself because of his troubled youth. As Susan Petit (2010) declared that   Unfortunately, while Boughton has always forgiven Jack unconditionally for his many misdeeds, Jack cannot forgive himself, though he forgives others. He sees himself as not merely a sinful man, but as the only sinner in the Ames and Boughton families, and despite his stated unbelief, he fears damnation…His sense of sin is exacerbated by his belief that those around him are righteous.
  After he comes back to Gilead with his haunting past, whatever he does, wherever he goes, the disgusting past is a lancinating trauma that makes Jack appear to be a little self-abandoned, self-condemned, and self-degraded. Jack always calls himself as “my tarnished self” (129), “a bad kid” (119), “a foundling” (259) and “a nuisance and a brat, a scoundrel” (132). He is not confident in himself, he shouts, “Exasperation, I’m so tired of myself.” “I was the town thief… my troubled youth, it was embarrassing.” (210) Troubled by his annoying past, Jack seems to be overcautious and timid in doing everything. He is afraid of making some similar mistakes so that Jack looks a bit embarrassed, pessimistic, uneasy, restless and anxious, as Glory describes, “He was never at ease with them.” (29) In addition, Jack dislikes going out in the daytime at the beginning of his coming back to Gilead. It makes him an autistic and unsocial person. Just as Maslow insists, if the need for belongingness and love is not gratified, individuals will generate the feeling of intense loneliness, alienation, and estrangement which make them have some excruciating experiences which are not beneficial for individual’s self-actualization.
  [1]Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality [M] Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 1999.
【摘要】我国是个多民族国家,对各少数民族外语教学来说,大部分都经历从母语、汉语到英语这样一个三语过程,其三语组合模式普遍为母语(L1)-汉语(L2)-外语(L3)。本课题选取大理白族中学生作为研究对象,旨在研究汉语作为中介语对大理白族学生习得英语(L3)的影响。  【关键词】少数民族;三语习得;语言迁移  【作者简介】李丽萍,云南师范大学。一、背景介绍  大理洱源县的少数民族是以白族为主的多民族杂
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Once upon a time, there was a little mouse living in a quiet and peaceful forest. His name was Rex, which meant a kind of fierce dinosaur. However, as a little mouse, Rex was quite distinguished from
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【摘要】英语在大学课程设置中具有重要的作用,为了实现高等教育英语课程教学质量的提升,应该重视大学英语教学的改革。本文主要阐述了大学英语教学改革的发展方向,同时提出了我国在英语教学中应该重视教学的个性化和学科化,不断促进我国的英语教育向着个性化和学科化的方向发展,同时实现教学质量的提升。  【关键词】大学英语;教育改革;个性化;学科化;中国化  【作者简介】秦红丽,魏辛,贵州财经大学。  前言  我