A passive mode-locked fiber laser based on semiconductor saturable absorption mirror (SESAM) is reported in the 1 μm band and normal dispersion region. High-doped laser Yb fiber gain material, combined with tunable filter, the formation of annular cavity structure. When the pump power is greater than 16dBm, the laser can achieve broadband tunable output with repetition frequency of 25.4MHz in 1033 ~ 1069nm wavelength range with stable performance and very regular rectangle can be observed within the tuning range Output spectrum. In the fixed pumping power, the output power in the tuning range, spectral bandwidth, time-domain pulse width were measured and analyzed experimentally. At a wavelength of 1064nm, a single-channel grating is used to compress a pulse with a spectral width of 1.745nm and a temporal pulse width of 34.85ps to 15.45ps.