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一九三六年,夏衍同志发表了报告文学作品《包身工》。这是一篇优秀的作品,它生动地描绘了包身工这一罪恶的剥削制度:帝国主义的经济侵略,和中国封建主义勾结起来,制造了这种十分残酷和野蛮的剥削方式,它榨干了广大工人的血汗,吞噬了无数工人的生命。作品展现的这幅悲惨的人间地狱画图,激起人们的无比愤慨。但是,它的深刻的政治意义远不止此,作品告诉我们:帝国主义的经济侵略,加速了中国农村的破产,使大批农村饥饿儿女被诱骗到城市,成了非常廉价的劳动力;而帝国主义正是利用这种廉价劳动力,扩大生产,扩大市场,使中国农村更加陷于破产。作品还告诉我们:由于国民党的反动统治,帝国主义才能进行经济侵略,农民儿女才长期处于饥饿之中, In 1936, Comrade Xia Yan published the report literary work Bao Shengong. This is an excellent work. It vividly depicts the sinful exploitation system of Baoshen workers: the imperialist economic aggression, collusion with Chinese feudalism, and the production of this extremely brutal and brutal exploitation method, which has dried up The sweat of the vast number of workers devoured the lives of countless workers. The tragic depiction of hell in the world displayed in the work provokes incomparable indignation. However, its profound political significance is far more than this. The work tells us that the imperialist economic aggression has accelerated the bankruptcy of rural areas in China and has caused large numbers of rural hungry children to be lured into the cities and become very cheap labor; and imperialism is It is to use this cheap labor to expand production, expand markets, and make China’s rural areas more bankrupt. The work also tells us that due to the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, imperialism can make economic aggression and the children of peasants are hungry for a long time.