广东音乐人吴颂今状告杨钰莹老东家——广州新时代影音公司侵犯著作权一案,历时三年半后终于一锤定音。7月2日下午,广东省高级人民法院知识产权庭经过5个月的审理,作出了终审判决,驳回“新时代”的上诉,维持广州市中院的原判,“新时代”须停止侵权,并赔偿吴颂今损失1 6万元。
Guangdong musician Wu Songjin sued Yang Yuying old owner - Guangzhou New Age Media Company copyright infringement case, which lasted three and a half years and finally settled down. On the afternoon of July 2, after a trial of 5 months, the intellectual property court of Guangdong Higher People’s Court made a final judgment, rejected the appeal of “New Era” and upheld the original judgment of Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court. The “new era” must stop infringement , And compensate Wu Songjian lost 16,000 yuan.