1998年 ,欧洲“DuPont”公司成功地研究出一种新型陶瓷制品贴花纸生产工艺 (ArtCroma lin )。采用该工艺可以完成以前不能解决的课题———获得每厘米 80条网目纹理的全色影象。现有工艺 (丝网印刷等 )都不能在陶瓷制品表面达到这种影象质量。ArtCrom?
In 1998, the European “DuPont” company successfully developed a new ceramic decal paper production process (ArtCroma lin). The process can be used to solve the problem can not be solved before --- get 80 mesh texture per centimeter panchromatic image. Existing technology (screen printing, etc.) can not achieve this image quality on the surface of ceramic products. ArtCrom?