东辽县的计划免疫工作于1996年顺利地通过了国家第三个85%审评,各项目标均达到了国家要求的标准,相应传染病连续17年没有发生,为提高广大儿童健康水平,做出了重大的贡献。但是,在某些方面还存在着一些问题,如不及时地加以解决,将会严重地影响计划免疫工作开展,故应引起各级政府和有关部门高度重视。1 存在的问题
The planned immunization work in Dongliao County passed the third review of 85% of the country successfully in 1996. The objectives of the project reached the standards required by the state. The corresponding infectious diseases did not occur for 17 consecutive years. To improve the general health of children, Made a significant contribution. However, there are still some problems in some aspects. If they are not resolved in a timely manner, they will seriously affect the development of EPI. Therefore, they should be given the highest priority by all levels of government and relevant departments. 1 problems