朱莉·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews,1935-)是英国著名的音乐剧和电影演员,因主演20世纪福克斯电影公司(20~(th)Century Fox)1965年电影《音乐之声》中的家庭女教师玛利亚而在全世界家喻户晓。作为一位从小受到了舞蹈、歌唱和表演训练的童星,她13岁在伦敦西区登台表演,19岁在纽约百老汇首次亮相,舞台、电影和电视作品丰富,演艺生涯长盛不衰。在2008年出版的自传《家——我的早年生活备忘录》(Julie Andrews,Home:A Memoir of of My Early Years)中,她详尽地描述了自己早年师从莉莉安·斯德尔斯一艾伦时,在声乐、舞蹈及表演等方面所受到的训练及各种演出经历。音乐剧在欧美发展百年,已成为一项成熟、独立的艺术门类,但进入中国才近30年。在商业化快速推进的过程中,中国的音乐剧事业显得生机勃勃繁荣热火,同时却也暴露出很多制约性问题,其中人才问题尤为突出。如何成就一代代能唱、善跳、会演的艺术人才,如何去发现这样的人才,从小加以培养,让他们在黄金年龄就能不断得到机会,在舞台上展现自己的艺术才华,担纲优秀音乐剧的演出,朱莉·安德鲁斯自传中专业、真实而充满人情味的叙述为中国音乐剧提供了范例和启迪。
Julie Andrews (1935-), a famous British musical and film actress, starred in the 1965 film “The Sound of Music” of a 20th-century Fox film company (20th Century) Teacher Maria is widely known throughout the world. A 13-year-old performing in the West End of London, she is a child star trained in dance, singing and acting since she was young. She made her debut at Broadway in New York City at age 19 with rich stage, film and television productions. In her autobiography Julie Andrews, Home: A Memoir of My Early Years, published in 2008, she described in detail her early years from Lilian Sdeers-Allen At the time, she was trained in vocal music, dance and performance and performed various performances. Musical development in Europe and the United States for centuries, has become a mature, independent art category, but only 30 years into China. In the process of rapid commercialization, the musical career in China appears to be booming and thriving. At the same time, it also reveals many restrictive issues, among which the talent issue is particularly prominent. How to Achieve the Artistic Talents That Sing, Jump, and Perform from Generation to Generation? How to Discover such Talents? From an early age, we should cultivate them so that they will be given opportunities in the prime of their life. They will show their artistic talents on stage and play excellent musicals , Julie Andrews autobiography in the professional, real and full of humanity for the Chinese musical drama provides a paradigm and inspiration.