【摘 要】
农民贷款难问题目前引起了从上到下各方面的重视, 如何有效解决这一问题,已成为普遍关注的焦点。笔者试从农民贷款难的症结及解决措施谈点浅见。 一、农民贷款难的症结 ──支
农民贷款难问题目前引起了从上到下各方面的重视, 如何有效解决这一问题,已成为普遍关注的焦点。笔者试从农民贷款难的症结及解决措施谈点浅见。 一、农民贷款难的症结 ──支农工作的政策性与农村信用社业务经营之间的矛盾。农村信用社作为法人机构,是按“四自”原则开展经
Currently, the problem of peasants’ loan hardiness has drawn great attention in all aspects from top to bottom. How to effectively solve this problem has become a common focus of attention. I try to talk about the crux of peasants loan difficulties and solutions. First, the crux of peasant loans - the contradiction between the policy of supporting agriculture and the operation of rural credit cooperatives. Rural Credit Cooperatives as a legal entity, according to “four since” principle
Symplectic numerical integration theory for Hamiltonian systems has been developed rapidly in past years.The recent monographs [1] and [2] summarize the mai
Let a dissipative differential equation defined on an inner product space X be approximated by a general linear method,with r inputs.Burrage and Butcher (19
In this talk,we will present some waveform relaxation (WR) methods for differential algebraic equations (DAEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs).We
For one-step methods,the ability to perform reliable integrations for extended time periods,at least for appropriate problem classes,depends on a number of